About Us

We provide comprehensive assistance to companies to get rid of the problem of storage, records, audits and resale of used IT equipment that comes out of use. We focus on support in the area of stocktaking and equipment audits.

We have been in the market for 8 years. We have highly qualified IT staff specializing in hardware and data security.

We have a permit issued by the President of Warsaw to collect waste (Decision No 1208 / OŚ / 2015) and waste transport (Decision No 1263 / OŚ / 2015).

Every month, we process on average over 5,000 pcs of devices (laptops, PCs, printers, tablets etc).
We specialize in servicing companies and state entities. The main area of the company’s activity is co-operation in the field of IT equipment reception, destruction of sensitive data carriers, stocktaking of IT equipment, audits and valuation of equipment. We have ISO 27001 certification in terms of information security and ISO 9001 in quality management.

What can we do for you today? Contact us!


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Dziękujemy za zainteresowanie, wkrótce skontaktujemy się z Tobą.

Thank you for your interest, we will contact you soon.

Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse, wir werden Sie bald kontaktieren.