How to extend the life of your laptop

Our company is most happy to accept any electronic equipment – this is its mission and purpose. A large part of the things that our customers return to us are laptops that are obsolete or have completely expired. Therefore, we decided to share with you some methods that will allow you to enjoy your favorite personal computer longer.
The first basic rule, a trivial one, and yet so rarely followed –
Get your equipment serviced!
Your laptop is an electronic piece of equipment, operated sometimes 20 hours a day, so when you go to have your car serviced, drop off your computer for service on occasion.
Take care of the battery!
This is another very important aspect, although in most cases this part can be replaced, it is worth ensuring that it is in good shape. Try not to discharge the equipment to zero and do not keep it constantly under the charger. When the battery charges to 100%, unplug the equipment and use it until the battery level drops by at least half. After all, it’s good to be able to use outside the home, and you certainly won’t be able to do that with a weak battery.
The problem with many pieces of equipment, not just laptops, is that they get too hot. It is worth ensuring that your personal computer is
Cooled in the right way.
In this regard, a laptop stand will be a great solution – it will replace your quilt or lap top, which constantly obstructs the ventilation holes. Most laptop components don’t like extreme temperatures and break down very quickly if you don’t take care of cooling the equipment.
Update your system!
This is one of the main things that affects the shortened life of a laptop. Unfortunately, some users downplay the issue of performing system updates, yet it does not take much time. So remember, if your laptop has displayed an update notice – do it!
These few simple rules can influence your laptop to serve you for as long as possible. Let’s not kid ourselves, this is a rather expensive piece of equipment and it is worth ensuring that its condition is simply the best it can be. Laptops may not be as “powerful” and durable as desktops, but with a little knowledge of how to handle them, we can extend their life even by a few years.