Destruction of company disks
We guarantee secure destruction of hard drives, magnetic tapes (DLT, Ultrium, LTO), phones, USB flash drives and tablets with the HSM Powerline HDS 230.
760,000.00 pcs
That’s how many drives we already have destroyed as of March 21, 2019.
IT equipment audit - offer for business
We guarantee diagnostics and description of equipment at customers ‘ sites or at our headquarters. We pick up equipment from multiple locations simultaneously. We customize Transport to loading conditions, we secure it with seals. Our warehouse is connected to the service and equipment diagnostic and refabrication line, with a capacity of 200 pallets.
What the client receives as part of the IT audit service:
- Comprehensive records of electronic devices,
that have gone out of service - Detailed report in the form of xls and pdf file
- Help to completely empty the warehouse
- Timeliness
- Quick implementation
- Support from an account manager
Buying IT equipment from companies, corporations and institutions
Preparation of an equipment repurchase offer is based on the list of IT equipment sent by the client or on the basis of an audit conducted by us. As a leader in the brokerage market in Poland, we offer the highest prices for the electronics we buy back, and we pick up the largest quantities possible (large pickups are our specialty). We repurchase equipment such as:
- Laptops
- Telephones
- Desktops
- Tablets
- Monitors
- Projectors
- Printers
- Servers
What the customer receives as part of the service
- Favorable pricing
- Prompt payment for equipment
- Express collection of large quantities of electronics
- Receive equipment from multiple locations simultaneously
- Guarantee of complete erasure of data from the equipment
- Guarantee to extend the life cycle of IT equipment – for the sake of the environment
- 3R Certification
Certified quality
We passed the exam with flying colors
We operate in accordance with Order No. 12 / MON of the Minister of Defense dated March 12, 2010. On the specific manner of organization of the secret registry and other than the secret registry organizational units responsible for recording, storage, circulation and disclosure of classified materials, application of physical protection measures and circulation of classified information (Journal of Laws of the Ministry of Defense No. 5, item 49 dated 09.04.2010).
PN-EN ISO 9001:2015
Immediate removal of sensitive data
from data carriers and devices, IT equipment repurchase,
Secure transport of electronics from many branches.
PN ISO/IEC 27001:2017
Secure transport according to the Applying Declaration
Ed. II of 06/28/2018.
Certificate of coherence
A reliable Contractor
Full liquidity, not recorded
entries in BIK, VERIF, ERIF